理论分析并数值模拟了腔内光强随角锥棱镜旋转的变化,实验证明在角锥棱镜腔Nd: YAG/Cr4+:YAG被动锁模激光器中,偏振耦合输出得到了锁模深度和锁模几率近乎100%的线偏振被动锁模脉冲输出。通过旋转角锥棱镜改变偏振耦合输出、调节腔内光强,可以得到被动锁模和被动调Q两种状态的脉冲输出,脉冲能量166.5 mJ/pulse,脉冲动静比高达59.7%。
Light intensity versus the rotation angle of the corner cube prism in cavity is analyzed theoretically and simulated numerically. Experimental results show that by using polarized mirror as output mirror, the ratio of mode locking and depth of line polarized light approach 100%, and by rotating the corner cube prism to change the coupling output and to control the inner light intension, passive mode locking laser or passive Q-switched laser was obtained respectively. Pulsed laser energy is up to 166.5 mJ, and the ratio of dynamic to static was as high as 59.7%.
Optics & Optoelectronic Technology