
膝骨关节炎150例临床分析 被引量:6

Clinical Analysis of 150 Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
摘要 目的探讨膝骨关节炎临床功能评分、X线片表现、软骨退变程度及三者之间的关系。方法对150例膝骨关节炎患者进行HSS功能评分、X线检查、136例行关节镜手术、14例行关节表面置换术,术中观察记录软骨退变程度。将其结果分期归类,对比分析。结果X线片和膝关节HSS功能评分跟软骨退变程度的符合率均较低,但对Ⅲ度退变的符合率均较高,分别达到80%和63%。结论在诊断膝骨关节炎中,X线片及HSS功能评分均有其局限性,不能准确反映膝骨关节炎的病变程度,但对晚期的骨关节炎诊断符合率较高,提示将两者结合起来,可能对诊断更有价值。 Objective To investigate the relationships of the clinical function scoring, the radiograph and the cartilage degeneration of the knee osteoarthritis. Methods A retrospective survey including the HSS function scoring and X - ray examination was performed on 150 patients with knee osteoarthritis. Among the patients, 136 patients were treated with the arthroscopic operation and 14 patients were treated with the total knee arthroplasty. The cartilage degeneration was observed and recorded. The outcomes were classified by stage and compared. Results The coincidences rate of the radiograph and the HSS scoring with the degeneration of the knee was low, but the coincidence rate of the radiograph and the HSS scoring with the third grade of the degeneration was higher, 80 % and 63% respectively. Conclusion Both the radiograph and the HSS function scoring have limitation and can not reflect the pathological changes of the knee osteoarthritis accurately in the diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis, but the coincidence of them with the diagnosis of late- stage osteoarthritis was quite high, indicating that the combination of the radiograph and the HSS function scoring will perhaps be more valuable in the diagnosis of the knee osteoarthritis.
出处 《中国骨与关节损伤杂志》 2006年第1期10-12,共3页 Chinese Journal of Bone and Joint Injury
关键词 膝关节 骨关节炎 关节镜 Knee joint Osteoarthritis Arthroscopy
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