匾额,曾是中华传统文明中的一朵奇葩,也是绝妙的书法艺术和精致的雕刻手工。它们曾经那么郑重而炫耀地高悬于门庭之上。而今,它们被遗弃了,或弃于院落屋角,或用作水缸盖、或劈成烧火柴,或“不知所终”。幸而, 洛阳民俗博物馆抢救了最后几块要死不活的匾额,让我们看到了那一脉千古流传的辉煌。
Horizontal inscribed boards used to be a rare flower of the Chinese traditional civilization as well as perfect calligraphies and exquisite woodcuts. They were solemnly hung over the doors and gates to show off before the people. Today, they are either discarded into the comers of the rooms or courtyards or used as water vat covers or chopped and burned as firewood or "nowhere to be found". Fortunately, Luoyang Folk Customs Museum has rescued the last several remaining horizontal inscribed boards, giving us an opportunity to witness the glory that has been handed down to us from our remote ancestors.
Chinese Handicraft