
单个电极接触不良对腹部电阻抗断层成像的影响 被引量:2

Influence of bad contact of single electrode on electrical impedance tomography
摘要 目的:研究单个电极接触不良和电阻抗断层成像之间的关系,以便为长期监护提供必要的理论和现实依据.方法:采用电阻抗成像监护仪对14人采用16电极法进行监护,对比电极接触良好和其中某一个电极接触不良时监护图像的差别.结果:发现某一电极接触不良,则对应它的那一部分图像的灰度会发生明显的变化,而图像其他部分的灰度则变化很小.结论:得出了单个电极接触不良对成像的影响的规律,对长期监护中电极接触不良问题的监测提供了依据. AIM: To study the relationship of bad contact of signal electrode and electrical impedance tomography (EIT) and to provide premise in theory and practice for long-term monitoring. METHODS: EIT was used to monitor 14 subjects with 16 electrodes. The images of good contact of all electrodes were compared with the images of bad contact of single electrode. RESULTS : Bad contact of one electrode affected only part of the image, with some visible changes. CONCLUSION: We have found out the influence of bad contract of a single electrode, which provides premise for long-term monitoring.
出处 《第四军医大学学报》 北大核心 2006年第2期176-178,共3页 Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50337020)
关键词 电阻抗断层成像 电极 图像监护 单个电极接触不良 腹部电阻抗断层成像 electrical impedance tomography electrodes image monitoring
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