

Visual function assessment after correction of enophthalmos deformity caused by orbital blow-out fractures with porous high-density polyethylene implantation
摘要 背景:爆裂性骨折常见的并发症是眼球内陷,其次是复视和视力下降。由于治疗结果不甚满意和手术并发症的存在,对于修复材料和治疗方案的选择一直存在争论。目的:应用高密度多孔聚乙烯Medpor植入体薄片植入进行眶壁缺损修复,观察其对外伤性眶壁爆裂性骨折继发眼球内陷畸形的修复效果,评估术后患者的视功能恢复情况。设计:前后对照观察。单位:中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学整形外科医院创伤修复美容中心。对象:选取1996-12/2004-03中国协和医科大学整形外科医院创伤修复美容中心收治的外伤性眶壁爆裂性骨折继发眼球内陷畸形患者56例,为拳击或车祸所致,根据病史、X线片、二维和三维CT检查确诊。合并颧骨、鼻骨或其他部位骨折24例;合并复视患者34例;视力较受伤前降低35例。方法:①植入手术:全部患者沿睫毛缘下2mm平行下眶缘作3cm长的切口,于眶缘下方顺下眶缘切开骨膜,用剥离子沿内下眶壁向眶尖方向潜行剥离。暴露骨折部位后,松解嵌入上颌窦的眼球组织并使其复位,切断眶骨膜与眶骨间的粘连,可进一步显露眶下缘、眶底,使之成为骨膜下间隙,便于眶底和内下壁的移植体修复。在充分显露眶底和眶组织还纳复位后,采用高密度多孔聚乙烯Medpor植入体薄片植入进行眶壁缺损修复,植入体的大小应以大于缺损周缘2mm为宜。术中如需配合其他部位手术可一并进行。术毕用可吸收线局部适度加压包扎。术后以甘露醇、地塞米松静脉滴注来减轻眶内容物水肿,降低眶内压。②功能测评:复视:复视完全消失为治愈;有所改善但仍残留部分复视为好转;复视无改善为无效。眼球内陷:双眼球突出度相差在2mm以内为明显改善;患侧眼球较健侧内陷程度在2mm以上为无明显改善。主要观察指标:①术后患者眼球内陷矫正情况。②术后患者复视改善情况。③术后患者视力改善情况。结果:①56例患者术后眼球内陷畸形均得到明显改善。②34例复视患者中27例治愈。③35例视力下降患者中9例视力较术前有不同程度改善。无复视加重和视力下降现象。全部病例经2月~5年随访眼球内陷程度均稳定在2mm以内,无畸形复发及其他并发症发生。结论:高密度多孔聚乙烯Medpor植入体组织相容性好、并发症少、视功能恢复好,可作为眶壁骨折修复术的首选植入物。 BACKGROUND: Enophthalmos deformity is the most common complication caused by orbital blow-out fractures, and others are diplopia and worsening of visual acuity. Since the therapeutic result of orbital blow-out is not satisfactory and many complications exist after operation, it is still a dispute to select implantation materials and therapeutic regimens. OBJECTIVE: To observe the therapeutic effect and assess the improvement of visual function by surgical reconstruction with porous high-density polyethylene (Medpor) for the correction of enophthalmos deformity caused by orbital blow-out fractures. DESIGN: A pre-and postoperative controlled study. SETTING: Beauty Center for Trauma Repair,Plastic Surgery Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Science . PARTICIPANTS: Totally 56 patients with orbital blow-out fractures who had enophthalmos deformity caused by fists or traffic accidents, treated at Beauty Center for Trauma Repair,Plastic Surgery Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Science, were selected in this study from December 1996 to March 2004. Final diagnosis were made with case history, X-ray film, two-demensional and three-dimensional CT before operation. 24 cases were accompanied with other areas fractures such as zygoma and nasal bone, 34 cases with diplopia, 35 cases with vi2 sual acuity worsening after injured. METHODS: ①Material implantation: Exposure of the orbital floor, inferior and medial walls could be performed through a 2 mm inferior subciliary incision of 3 cm long. To approach the orbital rim via a dissection plane anterior to the orbital septum, sub-periosteal dissection was then performed over the orbital rim, and along the orbital floor to the orbital apex. Mobilized the soft tissue from the bone throughout the entire area of fractures and re-position it to its proper position. Took Medpor (Type 6331) sheets as the implantation materials, trimmed Medpor sheets according to the ra- dian and anatomic form, and 2 mm larger than the defect rim was needed. If other operations were needed during the operation, they could be done. Mannitol and dexamethasone should be used just postoperatively to decrease edema of the orbital contents and reduce inner orbital excessive pressure. ②Functional evaluation standard: Diplopia: completely disappear meant recovered, less diplopia residual meant improvement, no improvement meant inefficacy. Enophthalmos: marked improvement meant the degree of enophthalmos stabilizated at below 2 mm, less improvement meant stabilizated at above 2 mm. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ①Improvement of enophthalmos;② Improvement of diplopia;③Improvement of visual acuity. RESULTS: ①All 56 cases of enophthalmos deformities caused by orbital blow-out fractures improved greatly. ②Of all the 34 patients with diplopia, 27 recovered. ③9 patients' visual acuity of 35 improved with different degrees. No diplopia or visual acuity worsening occurred. With a follow-up ranging from 2 months to 5 years, the degree of enophthalmos stabilizated at below 2 mm, and no relapse and other complications occurred. CONCLUTION: Medpor has such advantages as better histocompatibility, fewer complications and better visual function improvement, so it is the preferred implantation material for correcting enophthalmos deformity caused by orbital blow-out fractures.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期160-162,i0007,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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