泸沽湖是位于滇西北的一个断陷湖泊,为滇川两省共有。文献记录泸沽湖原始的鱼类区系由4种鱼类组成,隶属于裂腹鱼属和泥鳅属。于2001 ,2002和2004年3次考察泸沽湖,进行标本采集和鱼类区系现状调查。查看了采自泸沽湖的鱼类标本518号,结合历史上的采集记录和大量相关文献,确定泸沽湖记录有鱼类12种,隶属于3目4科10属;过度捕捞和毁林造成的泥石流是泸沽湖鱼类区系变化的主要原因。
The Lugu Lake, shared by Yunnan and Sichuan Province, is a fault lake in the Northwest of Yunnan Plateau in China. Its original fish fauna was composed of 4 species, including three Schizothorax species and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. During our surveys to the Lugu Lake in 2001, 2002 and 2004, 518 specimens were collected and the current fish fauna was documented. Besides previous collections and abundant reports, 12 species have been recorded in the Lugu Lake, which belong to 10 genera, Four families and three orders. Change of fish fauna in the Lugu Lake was primarily due to over-fishing and debris flow caused by deforestation.
中科院创新工程项目(KSCX1-SW-13 -04)
中科院特别支持经费(STZ-01 -16)