
兔股骨缺损模型的建立 被引量:5

Establishing of rabbit models of femoral defect
摘要 目的:传统的兔桡骨骨缺损模型和胫骨骨缺损模型在骨的愈合过程中,不能排除与其紧密相临的尺骨或腓骨骨膜向骨缺损区成骨。为避免这种缺点,拟设计兔股骨1.5cm骨缺损模型,从而提供一种较为科学的骨缺损模型。方法:实验于2004-03/2005-12在解放军第一军医大学南方医院动物所完成。选取健康月龄6个月的新西兰大白兔6只,均制备左侧股骨中段长1.5cm的段缺性骨与骨膜缺损。从兔左后肢股骨前外侧纵切口,切开皮肤、皮下组织和深筋膜,沿股直肌与股外侧肌间隙锐性分开进入,不切开骨膜,于股骨前外侧放置已塑形好的4孔普通钢板,钢板预弯弧度5°~8°,以使钢板和股骨向前外凸的弧度相吻合。电钻钻孔后依次旋入4枚螺钉固定,可在两边两个螺钉之间各加用一根细钢丝环扎以增加牢固性。于钢板第2、3孔之间,以线锯锯断股骨一侧,用直尺测量股骨1.5cm长,并标记好另一端截骨线,线锯截断,并切除该段对应的骨膜,造成标准的1.5cm段缺性骨与骨膜缺损,生理盐水冲洗伤口,缝合后敷料包扎,术后肌注青霉素钠40万u预防感染。术后严密观察6只兔的精神状况、饮食、活动、伤口愈合情况。分别于术后6,12,18周各处死2只,大体观察骨缺损处的表面变化、内痂形成、两截骨端变化、骨缺损修复情况;摄左侧股骨正位X光片观察骨缺损愈合情况。结果:实验选取新西兰大白兔6只,全部进入结果分析。①术后动物一般情况:术后第1天所有兔的精神状况稍差,进食略减少,活动减少,术肢跛行明显,全身无皮疹及畏寒发热。2d后逐渐恢复正常活动,饮食增加,精神好转。②术后骨缺损区大体观察结果:术后6周骨缺损区有质较软的肉芽组织,无明显骨痂形成。术后12周有少量比较薄的骨痂,骨缺损区为软组织包裹。术后18周骨痂形成较前稍有增多,但骨缺损区仍无骨性连接,骨缺损未愈合。③术后骨缺损区X射线片观察结果:术后6周骨缺损区呈散在点状阻射影,骨缺损区清淅可见;术后12周骨缺损区周围近截骨端有小片状阻射影,骨缺损区呈透亮影;术后18周骨缺损区仍呈透亮影,两骨端硬化、髓腔封闭,骨缺损仍不能愈合。结论:采用股骨制备骨缺损模型,可避免膜性成骨的骨形成作用,神经、血管的解剖部位相对恒定,变异小,制作模型操作简单,且模型的统一性和可重复性好,能更好地观察骨缺损的修复效果。 AIM: Traditionally tibia or radius bone defect model both has the disadvantage of inevitable of the osteogenetie towards bone defect from the periosteum of ulna or fibula in the process of healing. To establish a sort of rabbit model with 1.5 cm long femoral bone defect for avoiding the flaw so as to provide a more scientific bone defect model. METHODS: The experiment was conducted at the animal center of Nanfang Hospital of First Military Medical University of Chinese PLA between March 2004 and December 2005. Six New Zealand rabbits, aged 6 months, were selected and all made the middle piece of left thigh segmental femoral bone defects with 1.5 cm long. A straight anterolateral incision was made parallel with the long axis of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia between rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscle but periosteum was not cut. Bone plates with four apertures were applied for interior fixation and were set at the anterolateral femur. Intending radian of plate was 5°-8°, which made plate and radian of the anterolateral femur inosculate, Four lag screws were fixed in order 'after boring with electric drill. One thin steel wire ring was added between two lag screws of the two sides in order to fix firmly. One of the femur's extremity was sawed with a saw between the second and third aperture of the steel plate, and measured 1.5 cm length with a ruler, marked the other osteotomy site and sawed again. Corresponding periosteum was cut yet. Thus, acurate segmental bone and periosteum defect were made. The incision was flushed with saline. After nversewing the incision were enswathed by dressing. Postoperative animkals were injected 400 000 u pennecillin to defend infection and their psychosis, taking food, activity and healing conditions of incision were observed. At 6, 12and 18 weeks postoperative, 2 rabbits were killed, respectively. Surface change of defect region, formation of scab, change of extremities of two sides and plerosis of bone defect were observed generally. Anteroposterior radiograph was used to observe the healing of bone defect at left side of femur in each animal. RESULTS: Six New Zealand rabbits were all involved in the result analysis. ①General condition of animal after operation: Mental status of the rabbits at the 1^st day after operation was bad slightly, with small quantity of eating and less activity. Limping was significant at the limb after operation, without skin eruption, or fearing of cold, or febrile. After 2 days, normal activity was done gradually, and eating also increased with better mental status. ②General observation at the defect region after operation: Soft granulation tissue appeared at the bone defect region 6 weeks after operation without obvious bony callus. Twelve weeks after operation, the bone defects formed few callus and were enwrapped by soft tissue. At 18 weeks postoperatively, bony callus increased than before, but there still was no bony colligation. The bone defects still no healed by bone callus. ③Observation of radiographs of all animals: At 6 weeks postoperative, the bone defects presented slightly dotted radioresistant images clearly. At 12 weeks postoperatively, the bone ends became blurry, areas surrounding the bone defects presented small patchy radioresistant images. The bone defects that had not healed yet, showed clear shadow. At 18 weeks postoperatively, the bone defect showed bright shadow, and the bone ends became ossified, and medullary cavity closed and the bone defects had not healed yet. CONCLUSION: Bone defect model made by femoral bone can avoid the membranous bone formation. Anatomic site at nerve and vessel is stable relatively with small dissociation. Operation of establishing models is simple with good unity and reliability of models, which can observe the plerosis of bone defect better.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期87-89,i0006,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 国家高技术发展计划重大专项课题(编号2003AA205010)~~
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