设计原代培养的乳猪肝细胞构建生物反应器,并观察肝细胞生长特点,进行体外灌流实验。采用改良的原位胶原酶灌流法分离乳猪肝细胞及间质细胞,在中空纤维舱的纤维外间隙中共培养,并间断旋转抑制细胞贴壁。用该生物反应器建立人工肝系统,对肝硬化病人的腹水进行体外灌流实验。结果表明,乳猪原代肝细胞平均产量为(6.29±0.37)×108细胞,肝细胞的活性为84%;在纤维外间隙内间断转动培养3 h后肝细胞聚合成球。电镜可见,多个肝细胞聚合成团生长,培养的肝细胞有功能性结合,并向组织型转化。测定中空纤维舱内连续48 h培养液尿素浓度,证实肝细胞聚合体有很好的尿素合成功能。体外灌流后,生物反应器组腹水总胆红素下降,A ST升高,与对照组相比有显著性差异。生物反应器组葡萄糖浓度下降,对照组无显著变化,两组间有显著性差异。通过本组实验,证实了我们设计的生物反应器所构成的生物型人工肝(BAL)是有效的。
This article presents the design of a bioreactor using hollow fiber membrane and isolated hepatoeytes of suckling pigs,and the experimental study of its efficacy in vitro. Liver cells were harvested from suckling pigs with collagenase perfusion in situ, and parenchymal and non-parenehymal hepatocytes were cocultured in a hollow fiber module which was rotated sporadically. Bioartifieial liver (BAL) was developed using this bioreactor,and the BAL was perfused with ascites of patients suffering from liver cirrhosis. The yield of viable hepatoeytes was (6. 29±0. 37)× 10^8 cells, and cell viability was greater than 84%. Hepatoeytes aggregated to multi-cells spheroids after being rotated every thirty minutes for three hours. The hepatocytes in the bioreactor could synthesize urea. Total billirubin was decreased, and AST was significantly increased in the group of bioreaetor,as compared with that in the control group. Glucose decreased in the group of bioreaetor,whereas there was no significant descent in the control group;and the difference between the two groups was significant. The above results demonstrate that this bioreaetor is effective for decreasing total bilirubin and glucose.
Journal of Biomedical Engineering