Ogg Vorbis是一种完全免费,并有较好主观声音质量的编码算法。与目前市场上占有率很高的MP3编码 器相比,Vorbis公开开放,并有更佳的音质以及更简单的解码实现,因此具有研究价值。介绍了Vorbis算法,并优化 了其中的索引函数,使编码性能提高了20个百分点。
Ogg Vorbis is an open-source audio encoding technology with a high subjective sound quality. As a patent-free audio compress algorithm, Vorbis is worth studying for its more satisfying output and simpler decoder realization. This paper presents the Vorbis encoding algorithm and then optimizes a sort function, which improves the performance by about 20 percent.
Audio Engineering