在过去的2005年,中国时装业在竞争和挑战中继续前行。“上海时尚园”孵化的第一个设计师品牌“IS·CHAO”诞生.Valentino、White Collar.Nokia荣获中国时尚大奖2005年度最具时尚知名品牌;《服装设计师》杂志创刊5周年,中国十佳时装设计师专业排名FD指数突破千分大关……
Facing fierce competition and great challenge, Chinese fashion designers showed progress during the past year. The first designer's brand "IS · CHAO" was born in Shanghai Fashion Hub; VALENTINO, WHITE COLLAR and NOKIA won the awards of Annual Best Fashion and Renowned Brand; Fashion China Magazine celebrated its 5th birthday; the top ten professional designers (FD Index) ranked by our magazine scored higher than 1000 points……
Fashion China