While neo-historical novels emerged in China before the introduction of the western neo-historicism, they are still under its influence. Nevertheless, instead of merely copying the western neo-historicism, Chinese neo-historical novels boast their own features modeled on Chinese social reality-chiefly the subversion of the entirety of "meta-history" by the fragments of "tiny history". The trend of neo-historical novels composed of nostalgic writers, avant-garde writers and neo-realistic writers is highlighted by the abundant writings tinged with their neo-historicist notion, as is evident in: the subversion of the consciousness of biographical history hooks by individuals or folk vision; the deconstruction of grand narration in the absurd, distorted and exaggerated manner of "magnifying fragments and dismantling the entirety" ; the transformation from "infiniteness" to "finiteness" in terms of subject-matter, motifs, characters and modes of narration with a view to eliminating the elevated style. Although neo-historical novels have made new discoveries by dwelling upon something untouched in traditional historicism, they have also plunged into the pitfall of historical nihilism and relativism.
neo-historical novels
fragmentary realism