对世界铀资源、生产、供应与需求方面的最新动态进行了较为系统、全面和详细的介绍。目前全世界已探明的铀资源为:生产费用小于每kg U 40美元有252.33万t;生产费用小于80美元有591.15万t;生产费用小于130美元有1 128.05万t;生产费用范围未定的资源有310.20万t。目前每年铀的需求6.70万t,到2020年,每年铀的需求远远高于10万t。按3种经济增长模式预测,从2000年到2050年,低需求、中等需求和高需求的情况下对天然铀的累积需求分别为:339.00万、539.41万和757.73万t。铀市场价格已从长达20年的下跌趋势中摆脱出来,从最低的每kg U 18.2美元迅速攀升到目前超过75.4美元的水平。2003年,全世界共生产大约35 385 t铀,2004年全球共生产40 475 t铀。2004年在各种采铀方法中,地下开采仍占有较高的份额,为39%;其次为露天坑道开采,占27%;地浸采铀占19%;从副产品中回收铀占11%;其它方法回收铀为4%。
New information on world uranium resource, production, supply and demand is introduced. Up to now, explored uranium resources at production cost 〈USD 40/kg U has 2 523 257 t uranium; production cost 〈USD 80/kg U has 5 911 514 t uranium; production cost 〈USD130/kg U has 11 280 488 t uranium; and cost range unassigned has 3 102 000 t uranium. At moment, the demand uranium of each year is about 67 000 t U. After 2020, world uranium demand will rise well above 100 000 t per annum with sharp revival of nuclear power plants. With three kinds of economic growth the cumulative requirement of the uranium in low demand case, middle demand case and high demand case from 2000 to 2050 is 3 390 000, 5 394 100 and 7 577 300 t respectively. In the world market uranium price rises from 20 years lowest 18.2 USD/kg U to 75.4 USD/kg U. In 2003, global uranium product is about 35 385 t U, and 2004, global uranium product is about 40 475 t U. In 2004's world uranium production underground mining, open pitt in situ, by product, and combination account for 39%, 27%, 19%, 11%, and 4% respectively.
Uranium Mining and Metallurgy
world uranium resource
supply and demand