都市中,每个人都行色匆匆,一边机械地生活一边机械地抱怨。喧嚣的马达,熙攘的人群.使得我们听不到心底的声音,看不到灵魂的渴望.忘记了自己想要怎样的生活。 幸好,这世上,还有巴斯这样的小城存在。古老的街道,优雅的建筑,迷人的景致,每走一步都能看到不同的风情;停下脚步听教堂钟声响起,坐在广场看孩子兴奋追逐;还可以去草坡上晒太阳,到高处去看朝霞看夕照……离天很近,离自己的心更近。 每颗心都渴望恬然舒适的生活。每个人心底都有属于自己的巴斯城。
The hustle and bustle of the city always makes us forget what kind of life we are really longing for. In the concrete Jungle, we even can't hear our own voices from heart.Fortunately, there's the small city like Bath in the world. Ancient streets, elegant architecture, picturesque scenery every walk In the Bath presents a different view.Every one who's longing for a comfortable and relaxed life must have a Bath city at heart.
World Traveller Magazine