在鄂西北荆山山脉腹地, 有一个以古法造纸的百年作坊。由于山高谷深,交通闭塞,人迹罕至,古老的造纸技艺得以留存至今。
There is a papermaking plant,Zongchang Papermaking Plant,in the hinterland of Jinshan Mountain Range of north- western Jiangxi,whose“original and primitive”workshop papermaking method has been rarely seen nowadays. There are all together 72 working procedures and the whole production process follows an ancient method and is done all by hand. This ancient papermaking method exerts little influence on the environment.However,in recent years,with the mecha- nization of paper making in some other areas and with the decreased cost of the raw materials and transportation, handmade paper is losing its competitive ability and its fu- ture looks worrisome.
Chinese Handicraft