A new type of bearing bush measurement system, which is based on AVR single-chip microcontroller ATMEGA16, is designed and implemented in this paper. Compared with traditional bearing bush measurement instrument, this system can apply loads on two edging surfaces via dual swing mechanism, which make beating bush squeezed evenly, and measure height and parallelism great more efficiently and accurately. With LVDT displacement sensors as substitute of dial gauges, and microcontrollerATMEGA16, in which 10-bit multi-ADC are integrated, and LCM which can show Chinese characters, this measurement system not only can measure beating bush and determine it's acceptability automatically, without the influence of operator's subjective factors, but also has low cost, convenient human-machine interface, and good stability. Furthermore, realization of interface of RS485 in hardware design can meet the demand of industrial network, in order to realize the long-distance transmission of the measurement data form multi-equipments.