Using the modern time series analysis method, based on the autoregressive moving average (ARMA) innovation model, white noise estimator and measurement predictor, under the linear minimum variance optimal fusion criterion, unified and general multisensor information fusion Wiener filters weighted by matrices, scalars and diagonal matrices are respectively presented for the multichannel ARMA signals with white observation noise. They can handle the fused filtering, smoothing and prediction problems in a unified framework. The formulas of computing variances and covariances among local estimation errors are presented, which are applied to compute the optimal weights. Compared with the single sensor case, the accuracy of the filters is improved. A simulation example for the target tracking system shows its effectiveness, and shows that the accuracy distinction for three weighted fusion filters is not obvious, so that employing the fused filter weighted by scalars provides a fast fused estimation algorithm with a slight loss of accuracy, and it is suitable for real time applications.
Journal of Signal Processing