

The design of data path for a programmable floating-point Digital Signal Processor LS - DSP
摘要 LS-DSP是针对航天数字信号处理应用而开发的32位可编程浮点数字信号处理器。本文讨论LS—DSP数据路径的设计,即ALU、乘法器、数据地址产生器三大功能单元的设计。在ALU的设计中,本文采用了一种新的前导0/1判断逻辑结构,其AT2比传统并行方式减少了约15.3%。在乘法器设计中,本文采用了一种新的尾数乘法阵列组织结构,其 AT2比传统的Wallace树结构减少了约12%。为了使LS-DSP更好的支持数字信号处理应用,本文提出了支持顺序、倒位序、循环三种数据寻址计算的数据地址产生器生成算法。LS-DSP现已投片成功,其采用0.5um三层金属布线CMOS工艺制造,面积6.2×6.7mm2,主频为50MHz。 LS - DSP is a programmable 32 - bit floating - point Digilal Signal Processor developed for aerospace application. This paper discusses data path design of LS - DSP, which consists of ALU ,Multiplier ,Address Generator. In the design of ALU, a novel architecture of LOD has been put forward, with 15.3% of AT^2 decrement compared with the old parallel LOD architecture. In the design of Multiplier, this paper proposes a new architecture for 24 - bit tree multipliers, and the estimated AT^2 reduction compared with Wallace trees is around 12%. Address Generator algorithm is design for DSP application, which support sequential ,Bit - Reversed and Ci,cular addressing mode conveniently. LS - DSP is fabricated in a 0. 5um three - mental CMOS process, the area is 6.2 × 6.7mm^2 , and the operation frequency is 50MHz.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期86-90,共5页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国防预研基金资助(41308010203)
关键词 浮点数字信号处理器 数据路径 ALU 乘法器 数据地址生成器 Floating-point Digital Signal Processor Data path Adder Multiplier Address Generator
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