采用AVR系列单片机ATm ega128加以太网控制器RTL8019AS.用UIP嵌入TCP/IP协议,实现TCP和UDP等网络功能,且可进一步实现HTTP协议和CG I服务.提供了一个接入Internet的低成本嵌入式系统和网络访问的有效方法.可用于网络传输、远程监视控制、信息家电等领域.
The system adopts Ethernet-controller RTLS019AS and ATmega128 which is one ot the A Vlt senaJ smglechips. It can perform the function of TCP and UDP, and implement HTrP and CGI service by embedding UIP into TCP/IP protocol. It is a low-cost embedded system for linking with Internet, and an effective way to access the network. The system can be used in network transmission, long-distance watching-control, information electrical appliance and other fields.
Applied Science and Technology