
机械生物法处理生活垃圾的分析与评述 被引量:3

Analysis and Review on Disposal of Life-garbage by the Machinical-biology Disposal Method
摘要 通过比较分析各种生活垃圾处理方式的优缺点,结合我国的现状,阐明了机械生物处理法是我国处理城市生活垃圾应优先选用的方法;并重点介绍了机械生物法处理生活垃圾的原理和过程。 In order to realize the life-garbage disposal decrement,resourceful and harmless,cause the life-garbage the biggest resourceful use,this paper analyzes each life-garbage disposal method through the comparison the good and bad points,unifies the present situation of our country, expounds that the mechanical-biology disposal method should be first selected in life-garbage disposal domain of our country,And with emphasis introduces the principle and the process of mechanical-biology disposal method.
作者 罗建华
出处 《中国资源综合利用》 2006年第2期19-21,共3页 China Resources Comprehensive Utilization
关键词 垃圾焚烧 机械生物法 卫生填埋 高温堆肥 incineration of garbage machinical -biology disposal method hygienic dump high temperature compost
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