
中日文学关系与当前文学研究方法——日本京都市立艺术大学校长中西进教授访谈录 被引量:3

Methodological Reflections on the Relationship Between Chinese and Japanese Literature and the Present-Day Literary Research: An Interview with Dr. Nakanisisusumu
摘要 中西进教授1929年出生于日本京都市,历任东京学艺大学、成城大学、筑波大学、普林斯顿大学、多伦多大学等大学教授,先后担任过大阪女子大学、帝冢山学院大学校长,日本和世界上三十多个官方及民间的学术与文化组织的负责人和重要成员;现任京都市立艺术大学校长、国际笔会日本分会副会长、奈良万叶文化馆长;其文学研究和创作获得过读卖文学奖、日本学士院奖、大佛次郎奖、和辻哲郎奖等几十项奖励;并于2004年被日本国家授予文化功劳者称号,2005年获得日本国家颁发的瑞宝重光勋章。中西进教授主要以研究日本古代文学为主,并扩展到对日本文化整体的综合研究和评论,主要代表著作有《中西进万叶论集》多卷、《源氏物语和白乐天》、《日本人和汉诗》、《日本人所遗忘的东西》、《日本人心灵的风景》、《古代日本人·心灵的宇宙》等160余种,在日本及世界都享有学术声誉。2005年12月初,本刊编辑李俄宪赴日本广岛参加日本文学国际会议,其间拜会了中西进教授,并约定会后在教授位于京都市内的研究室对其进行采访,本文便是对采访录音进行整理以后翻译成汉语的主要内容。中西进教授认为文学是世界性的文化现象,是超越意识形态的东西,对文学的研究不能局限于点而更应该扩展到面,应该把文本放到区域性甚至世界性文化背景上进行综合研究,因此他提倡中、日、韩三国学者协同研究。主张认真细致的实证性文本解读,中国的考证学方法理论应该发扬下去。经典的文本不受民族或国家的局限,属于整个人类,中日间文学研究的互补性极强,对他国文学不屑一顾的本土文学研究已是昨日黄花,因此他对《外国文学研究》综合性的办刊宗旨及影响,倍加赞赏。 Dr. Nakanisisusumu is an expert in the field of Japanese literature, especially in the field of classical Japanese literature with Mannyousyuu as a representative. He got his BA, MA and D. Lit. at Toukyou University, working as a professor separately at such world famous universities as Toukyougakugeei University, Seizyou University, Tukuba University, Princeton University and Toronto University and holding successively the posts of President of such universities as Oosakazyosi University, Tarazukayama College University and Kyoutosilitugeizyutu University. Meanwhile, he also holds the leading posts or is the VIP of over 30 governmental and non-governmental domestic or international academic and cultural organizations. As the winner of dozens of prizes such as Yomiuri Prize for Literature, the Osaragijirou Prize, and the Watuziteturou Prize, he was awarded the title of "Japan' s Cultural Worker" in 2004 and a year later received a Zuikoutyoukou Medal. He has over 160 publications, among which are Nakanisisusumu's Essays on Manyoshu Tanka Collection ( Multiple volumes), C, ennzimonogatari and Bai Letian, The Japanese People and Chinese Poetry, What the Japanese Forgot, The View in the Japanese Soul and Ancient Japanese. The Universe of the Soul, and they have brought him tremendous popularity in the academic circle both at home and abroad. In early December 2005, Li Exian, an editor of Foreign Literature Studies, went to Hiroshima City of Japan to attend an international conference on Japanese literature. There he called on Dr. Nakanisisusumu, arranging an interview with him at his study in Kyoutosilitugeizyutu right after the conference was over. Here is the Chinese version of the edited and condensed record of the above interview. Considered a scholar of the International School of Japanese Studies, Dr. Nakanisisusumu has a good and unique understanding of the present-day Chinese and Japanese literary studies. To Dr. Nakanisisusumu, literature is a kind of world cultural phenomenon which surpasses ideology and therefore its study should extend from the particular to the general, placing itself in the regional and even the world setting so as to be threedimensional and comprehensive. And the basis for this should be a detailed and careful study of the text. He also holds that the Chinese theory of textual applied to this use. Today, a classical text should not be research is so well-knit that it should be regarded as one of a particular country or nation, but as one belonging to the whole world. He emphasizes again and again that the mutual study of each other' s literature in China and Japan is complimentary to each other and quite necessary and that a literary study without considering other countries literature is completely out of date. Finally, he praises Foreign Literature Studies for its principle and academic influence.
作者 李俄宪
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期1-9,共9页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 文学关系 研究方法 文本批评 考证学 实证研究 综合性研究 relationship between Chinese and Japanese literature research method text criticism textual research substantial evidence study
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  • 1马克思.《<政治经济学批判>导言》[A]..《马克思恩格斯选集》第2卷[C].人民出版社,1972年版.第94,95页.












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