目的:DR数字化分辨率高,它是采用平板探测器为传统X线带来了前所未有的高分辨率影像。方法:采用CANON DR系统,操作台简单,屏幕上各个投照部位显示清楚,对屏幕上显示图像可重新修改和删除,对不理想图像可做频率调整,如对屏幕上显示多幅图像可进行重新预览,窗宽、窗位重新调整和重新发送,屏幕上显示投照部位任意翻转和剪切,只要是大型进口X线机就可以改装,大大节约了经费。结果:DR照片质量大大优于胶片质量,由原来用胶片甲片率的78%提高到用DR数字化甲片率的99.5%,避免乙片率和废片率。结论:DR动态范围宽,摄影的宽容度大,无失败摄影,用DR诊断信息丰富。
With the flat-plate detector, DR makes the X-ray machine have a high resolution. CANNON DR system is adopted, and thus the images on the screen can be amended and deleted, and frequency adjustment also can be performed on non-satisfying images. The multi-images on the screen can be re-previewed and the width and location of the window can be re-regulated and re-transmitted. The introduction of DR into any large imported X-ray machine increases the rate of level-I radiology from 78% to 99.5%. With less requirements, DR provides more clinical information.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal