Objectives To determine the present status of traffic aceidents and provide basic information for preventing and controlling traffic - related injury. Methods According to the data about traitlc accidents, total population, and development of society and economy published by National Bureau of Statistics of China, we used time series analysis to study the incidence rate of traffic accidents, the wounds and deaths in the accidents and the direct economic loss caused by tratt3e accidents. Results From 1996 to 2003, the cases of traffic accidents increased from 287685 to 667507. The majority of traffic accidents were caused by motor vehicles (more than 90% ), among which the tragic accidents caused by automobiles accounted for more than 70%. The accidents caused by motorcycle also increased rapidly. The number of death caused by trattic accidents increased from 73655 to 104372, and the number of wounds increased from 174447 to 494174. The death rate caused by traffic accidents increased from 6.02 per 100000 to 8.08 per 100000. The direct economic loss caused by traffic accidents increased from 1717 million RMB to 3369 million RMB. Conclusions Traffic accident has been a major public problem and efforts must: be done to reduce disease burden of injury caused by tragic accidents.
Chinese Health Service Management
Accident Traffic Burden of disease Time series analysis