提出了一种离散奇异卷积(DSC:D iscrete S ingu lar Convolution)方法来对基于M ind lin剪切变形理论的矩形厚板进行自由振动分析。此方法采用了Gauss delta序列核作为基函数并结合pb-2 Rayle igh-R itz方法(pb-2指的是a two-d im ensional polynom ial function(p-2)and a boundary function(b))的边界函数得到了一种新型的R itz方法。数值结果表明此方法相当精确有效。
A new method is presented for the free vibration analysis of thick rectangular plates based on Mindlin shear deformation theory.The proposed method introduces DSC(Discrete Singular Convolution)delta sequence kernels as basis functions and takes the advantage of the pb-2(pb-2 refers to a two-dimensional polynomial function(p-2) and a boundary function(b))Rayleigh-Ritz boundary function to arrive at a new version Ritz method.The performance of the proposed method is carefully validated by convergence and comparison analyses.Numerical results indicate that the(proposed) method is very efficient and accurate.The frequency parameters obtained agree very well with those in the(literature).
Journal of Vibration and Shock