
白细胞介素-2和苦参碱对小鼠微小残留白血病的治疗作用 被引量:8

Effect on minimal residual leukemia in mice model by interlukin-2 and matrine
摘要 目的研究微小残留白血病的治疗新方法。方法采用重组人白细胞介素-2(rhIL-2)和苦参碱单独或联合治疗小鼠多药耐药微小残留白血病。DBA小鼠接种P388/VCR-G细胞(1×106/只)后第3天,用环磷酰胺(Cy)35mg/kg一次腹腔注射,24h后实验分4组。对照组:腹腔注射生理盐水0.2ml/次,2次/d,连续5d。rhIL-2组:腹腔注射rhIL-21×105U/次,2次/d,连续5d。苦参碱组:腹腔注射苦参碱25mg/kg,1次/d,连续5d。rhIL-2+苦参碱组:腹腔注射rhIL-21×105U/次,2次/d,连续5d;苦参碱25mg/kg,1次/d,连续5d。结果对照组小鼠平均生存期(25.2±1.10)d,rhIL-2治疗组平均生存期分别延长至(36.25±1.26)d,按回归方程y天数=-1.98x细胞数+28.61推算,相当于杀灭了1×103左右的白血病细胞。苦参碱治疗组平均生存期分别延长至(37.8±13.7)d,亦相当于杀灭了1×103左右的白血病细胞。rhIL-2联合苦参碱治疗组平均生存期为(37.0±1.87)d,与单用比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论rhIL-2和苦参碱单独应用均有显著抑制微小残留白血病细胞增生的作用,但两者联合应用无明显协同作用。 Objective To investigate therapy on minimal residual leukemia (MRL) in animal model. Methods Recombinant human interlukin-2 (rhIL-2) and matrine were adopted treating mice with MRL. After 3 days DBA mice inoculated by P388/VCR-G cells (1×10^6/one mouse), were treated by 35 mg/kg cyclophosphamide (Cy). After 24 hours, all of the mice in divided 4 groups, normal saline was injected was injected continously 5 days in control group, rhIL-2 was injected continuously 5 days in rhIL-2 group, matrine was injected confnously 5 days in matrine group, rhIL-2 and matrine were injected for 5 days in rhIL-2 and matrine group. Results The mean survival time of the DBA mice was 25.2±1.1 days in control group, and that in rhIL-2 group was 36.25±1.26 days. According to the regression equation y (day)=-1.98x (number of cells)+28.61, it equaled to eradicate about 103 leukemia cells. The survival time of matrine group was 37.8± 13.7 days, and it equaled to eradicate at least 103 leukemia cells, too. The survival time of rhIL-2 and matfine combined modality was 37.0±1.87 days, it had no significant statistical different compared with survival time of rhIL-2 or matrine group. Conclusion rhIL-2 or matrine could inhibit proliferative of residual leukemic cells in complete remission stage, but there was not synergctic effect between rhIL-2 and matfine.
出处 《白血病.淋巴瘤》 CAS 2006年第1期4-6,共3页 Journal of Leukemia & Lymphoma
基金 上海市卫生局基金(034116)
关键词 白细胞介素-2 苦参碱 白血病 Interlukin-2 Matrine Leukemia
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