
西方大众高等教育的困境与我们的选择 被引量:50

Dilemmas brought by mass HE in western countries and our choice
摘要 20世纪西方高等教育经历的两次较大扩张导致了多种阐释扩张的理论,教育过度说与大众高等教育说是其中主要两种。大众高等教育学说在中国语境中受到种种误读,并因此影响到中国高等教育的健康发展。西方存在种种表明大众高等教育是一种非理性教育形态的事实,经常被无意或有意地忽视。大众高等教育给西方个人与国家带来种种两难困境,中国也面临相同的困境。中国高等教育发展应该走大众教育与精英教育并举的道路。 The 20th century witnessed two great HE expansions in the Western countries, and various interpretations of the HE expansion, among which overeducation and mass higher education were two mainstream theories. Mass HE theory encounters misreading in various forms in the Chinese context, and there is the general ignorance of facts behind mass HE that well verify the irrationality of mass HE. Mass HE brought dilemma to individuals and governments of western countries, and it is not appropriate for China as well. Co-ordination of mass HE and elite HE is essential for the development of Chinese HE.
作者 张少雄
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期14-25,共12页 Journal of Higher Education
关键词 大众高等教育 发展困境 发展策略 mass HE development dilemmas development strategy
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