Fibercoloscopy was performed on 133 children(male 74,female 59 )with rectal bleeding. Age ranged from 1 to 14 years,with an average of 5.8 years. Ketamine(1 mg/kg)was injected intravenously for fiberscopic examination. There were rectal and colonic polyps in 90 cases,multiple polyposis in 4;rectal hemangioma in 1;bleeding of anastomosis granulation after surgery for Hirschsprung's disease in 1;chronic colitis in 12 and normal colonic findings in 2 5(including:Meckel's diverticulum in 12;small intestinal fistula in 1;and unknown cause bleeding in 12).Those with simple polypi chiefly in sigmoid(46 cases,55.4%)and rectum(19 cases,22.9%).Totally 86 underwent electrocision. The electrocoagulation index was regulated from 3.0 to 3.5 while electrotomy index from 2.5 to 3.0. 103 polypi were removed with satisfactory results. Rectal bleeding is. the main indication of fibercoloscopy in children. Fibercoloscopy procedures can be performed safely on small patients under sedation.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery