

Synthesis and properties of perylene copolyimide containing p-n diblock used in photovoltaic cell
摘要 设计、合成并表征了含有p-n(供电子-吸电子)单元的苝聚酰亚胺,并研究了其作为敏化电极材料的光电池的性能.产物为非晶态.从电子谱中计算出其能带带宽为2.19 eV,用电化学循环伏安法中计算得到其电子亲和势(Ea,最低空轨道能级)为-3.94 eV,离子势(IP,最高占据轨道能级的绝对值)为6.13 eV,其能级与二氧化钛的能级相匹配,对二氧化钛有较好的敏化作用.光电池的光电流作用谱(IPCE)与紫外电子谱十分相似,来源于相同的分子结构吸收.光电压与光强之间有指数的关系.用苝聚酰亚胺为敏化剂的光电池的光电转换效率为0.9%. The Perylene polyimide containing donor- acceptor unit was designed, synthesized and characterized by FIIR, NMR, element analysis, Ultra - visible spectrum and GPC. The photovohaic cell composed of polyimide used as dye sensitization TiO2 was prepared and its properties were tested. The polymer is noncrystalline determined by XRD. From electron absorption spectrum, the energy of band is 2. 19eV. The Ea (ELUMO)and IP (-EHOMO) are -3.94eV, 6. 13eV deduced by the cyclic vohammetry(CV), respectively. The energy level matches the one of TiO2, so it has better sensitization to TiO2. The overall power conversion efficiency(η) of the photovoltaic cell is 0. 9%.
出处 《材料科学与工艺》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期102-105,共4页 Materials Science and Technology
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金资助项目(E0225) 黑龙江省海外学人科研项目(WC03115) 黑龙江省教育厅海外学人科研基金资助项目(1053HZ003)
关键词 苝聚酰亚胺 光电池 敏化剂 聚合物 二氧化钛 perylene donor - acceptor unit sensitization solar cell photovoltaic cell
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