
Effect of N on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Ti-6Al alloy

Effect of N on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Ti-6Al alloy
摘要 In-situ titanium matrix composites with N content of 0. 045-0. 27 wt% have been produced by a easting method. The microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast materials have been observed and tested. The results show that when N content in Ti-6Al alloy is between 0. 045 wt% and 0. 27 wt%, the reinforcement is a compound of Ti, Al and N, and volume fraction of reinforcements increases with an increase of N content. The hardness, compressive strength and elastic modulus are all higher than that of the matrix alloy. With the increase of N content, the compressive strength, the hardness and the elastic modulus increase. Fracture surface analysis has also shown that the matrix alloy fractures in a ductile model and the composites fracture in a cleavage brittle model with characteristics of dimple and cleavage surface. In-situ titanium matrix composites with N content of 0.045-0.27 wt% have been produced by a casting method. The microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast materials have been observed and tested. The results show that when N content in Ti-6Al alloy is between 0045 wt% and 027 wt%, the reinforcement is a compound of Ti, Al and N, and volume fraction of reinforcements increases with an increase of N content. The hardness, compressive strength and elastic modulus are all higher than that of the matrix alloy. With the increase of N content, the compressive strength, the hardness and the elastic modulus increase. Fracture surface analysis has also shown that the matrix alloy fractures in a ductile model and the composites fracture in a cleavage brittle model with characteristics of dimple and cleavage surface.
出处 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期65-69,共5页 哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版)
关键词 Ti-6Al alloy NITRIDE as-cast microstructure mechanical properties 钛铝合金 铸造微观结构 机械性能 氮化物
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