目的采用高效液相色谱法洲定丹栀逍适丸中扼子苷的舍量。方法色谱柱为Kromasil C18(150×4.6mm·5μm),流动相为;乙腈。水(15:85);流速:1.0ml.min^-1.检测波长为238nm。结果栀子苷的进样量在0.30~3.00pg范围内与峰面积呈起好线形(r=0.9994);平均回收率为98.96%,RSD为1.32%(n=5)。结论该法简便,结果可靠.可有效地用于丹扼逍遥丸的质量控制。
OBJECTIVE The content of gardenoside in Dangzixiaoyao Capsules was determined by HPLC. METHODS The chromatographic column was Kromasil C18. The mobile phase was acetonitrile-water(15 : 85). The flow rate was 1.0ml · min^-1 and the detection wavelength was 238nm. The external standard and peak area method were used to determine gardenoside content. RESULTS There was a good linear relationship between gardenoside and peak area when the sample injection was from 0.30- 3.00μg. The average recovery of adding sample was 98.96% and RSD was 1.32%(n=5). CONCLUSION This method is simple and believable. It can be effectively used for the quality control of Dangzixiaoyao Capsules.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal