情人节将至Folli Follie推出名为“Feelings感觉”的限量版新品——有魔力的心形吊坠项链和手表,新款项链选用银与青铜的组合,两种材质融合在一起形成半银半青铜的心形,象征着两个不同的部分合二为一。心形吊坠配以黑色或红色皮绳,其中一种还镶嵌着锆石。
As the Valentine's Day is coming, Folli Follie presents the new product of quantity limited edition named Feelings--a heart shaped pendant necklace and , watch. The material of necklace is fused by silver andbronze, standing for two hearts tying into one. The pendant matches with a black or red strings and one of them insets a diamond.≠.
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