
西安市25 725名中小学生脊柱侧弯患病率调查 被引量:15

Survey on prevalence rate of scoliosis in 25 725 students of middle schools and elementary schools in Xi'an city
摘要 目的:调查西安市儿童脊柱侧弯患病率,对阳性患者进行有效防治,为建立陕西省脊柱侧弯监控中心提供参考依据。方法:于2002-04/2004-05调查西安市城乡37所中、小学校7~15岁中、小学生25725名,男13875名,女11850名。采用“三检筛选”普查方法,第一检体检,阳性者进入第二检。第二检云纹摄像,若有1个或1个以上的云纹间距差(脊柱双侧有5mm以上的高度差)为阳性,进入第三检。第三检摄全脊柱正侧位X射线片,cobb角>10°者为脊柱侧弯。分析各年龄段脊柱侧弯患病率年龄分布和性别分布。结果:7~15岁中、小学生25725名中,第一检结果阳性1389名,男702名,女687名。第一检阳性者中1356名进行第二检,第二检阳性607名,男295名,女312名。第二检阳性者中573名进行第三检,摄全脊柱正侧位X射线片cobb角≥10°者343名,患病率为1.33%(343/25725)。①各年龄段脊柱侧弯患病率年龄分布:7~15岁中、小学生脊柱侧弯患病率随年龄增长呈上升趋势,12岁之前各年龄组之间患病率无显著差异,12岁以后各年龄组与12岁以前各年龄组间患病率比较差异显著。②各年龄段脊柱侧弯患病率性别分布:7~15岁脊柱侧弯患病男164名,患病率为1.18%,女179名,患病率为1.51%,男女比例0.78∶1。结论:通过对脊柱侧弯的普查,建立筛选阳性者档案,可以早发现、早诊断、及时防治青少年脊柱侧弯。 AIM: To investigate the prevalence rate of children scoliosis in Xi'an for effective prevention and treatment of scoliosis and to provide reference evidence for the supervision center of the Shaanxi ,province scoliosis. METHODS: From April 2002 to May 2004, 25 725 students (13 875 males and 11 850 females) aged from 7 to 15 years old in 37 junior middle schools and elementary schools of city and countryside of Xi'an City were checked for scoliosis with following three steps: first step was scoliosis physical examination, and positive people entered the second test; second was moire topography, and those with moire spacing difference was positive (at double side of spine with height difference of over 5 mm) entering the third test; and third was X-radiography at direct and lateral total spine. The students of cobb angle 〉10°were diagnosed scoliosis. Distribution of age and sex of scoliosis prevalence rate was analyzed at each age side. RESULTS: Positive findings found in the first examination were 1 389 cases, 702 males and 687 females in the 25 725 middle school and elementary school students aged from 7-15 years. 1 356 people entered the second test. 607 cases had positive findings with moire topography, 295 males and 312 females. 573 people entered the third test. 343 cases with cobb angle ≥ 10°were found in radiography, and prevalence rate was 1.33% (343/25 725). ①Age distribution of scoliosis prevalence rates at each age side: In 7-15 years old, the scoliosis prevalence rate of middle school and elementary school students were rising up with years old increasing. Before 12 years old, the prevalence rate had not obvious difference among each age team. Compared of each age team after 12 years old and each one before 12 years old, however, the prevalence rate was obvious difference. ②Sex distribution of scoliosis prevalence rates at each age side: In 7-15 years old scoliosis cases, male were 164 with the prevalence rate of 1.18%; female were 179 with the prevalence rate of 1.51%. The percentage of male and female was 0.78 vs 1. CONCLUSION: Children scoliosis can be early found, diagnosed, prevented and treated by general survey of scoliosis and establishing the archives of positive people.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期8-9,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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