Objective To compare clinical outcomes between routine and "Y-tlap" LASEK procedures in correction of myopic.Methods Fifty myopic patients (100 eyes) were randomly assigned to 2 groups. In group 1, an intact epithelial flap was made and retracted after the corneal surface was treated by 20% ethyl alcohol. Laser ablation was performed at the stromal bed, followed by rolling. back of the flap onto the ablated area. In group 2, a "Y"-incision was made through the full thickness epithelium of the cornea followed by the procedures identical to those in group 1, resulting in 3 epithelial valves covering the ablated area. A handage contact lens (Acuvue 2 Johnson & Johnson) was applied to the top of the epithelial flap followed by topical admnistration of eye drop of ofloxacin and lodoxoamide for 3 days. These two LASEK procedures were evaluated in ilap integrity, time spent on formation of the flap, ocular irritation (limbal hyperemia and corneal edematous response), subjective evaluation of comfort (score 0 to 5: poor to excellent) and un-corrected visual acuity (UCVA) for 3 months post-surgically.Resolts The mean time requited for flap creation was 5.36± 1.18 minutes in group 1 trod 2.89± 0.46 minutes in group 2.An intact flap was achieved in 88 % of the subjects in group 1 and 94% of the subbjects in group 2. Corneal irritation was mild in the two groups postsurgically and this conmpletely diessppeared within 5 weeks. There was no significant difference in the score of subjective evaluation of comfort (1^st week: 3.1±0.69 in group 1vs 3.2±0.64 in group 2 and 3 months: 4.3±0.66 in group 1vs 4.3± 0.63 in group 2) and UCVA (1^st week: 0.21±0.13 in group 1 vs0.22±0.12 in group 2and 3 months: 0.01±0.08 in groups 1and0.01±0.06 in group 2). The UCVA approached the pre-surgical best corrected visual acuity in both the groups at 3 months of the surgery. Conclusion The Y-type flap for LASEK surgery is easier to be created with a higher successful rate and does not compromise the post-surgical outcomes when compared to the routine LASEK procedure.
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology