
止眩颗粒对瘀血阻络复制的家兔CSA模型TCD的影响 被引量:1

Effect of ZhiXuan Granule on TCD of Rabbits with CSA Model Made by Blood Stasis Obstruction of Callaterals
摘要 目的:探讨止眩颗粒对家兔椎动脉型颈椎病(CSA)模型TCD的影响及作用机理。方法:采用瘀血阻络的方法在家兔左侧颈夹肌及头夹肌内注入瘀血9ml,造成局部气血运行受阻,椎动脉供血不足,复制CSA模型。胃肠灌注止眩颗粒、西比灵,通过经颅骨多普勒(TCD)观察药物对模型的影响及作用。结果:止眩颗粒组、西比灵组基底动脉(BA)收缩期血液速度(PEAK)较CSA模型组2周明显增快,有显著性差异;与模型组4周比较,有极显著性差异。止眩颗粒组BA的平均血液速度(MEAN)、舒张期血液速度(DIAS)与模型组4周比较,有极显著性差异。止眩颗粒组LVA、RVA的PEAK、DIAS、MEAN较模型组2周、4周明显增快,有显著或极显著性差异。西比灵LVA的PEAK、DIAS与模型组2周比较,RVA的DIAS、MEAN与模型组2周、4周比较,明显增快,有显著性差异。止眩颗粒组BA的MEAN、LVA的PEAK较西比灵组明显增快,有显著性或极显著性差异。结论:止眩颗粒是通过扩张家兔BA、LVA、RVA,解除血管痉挛,增加血流速度,显著改善脑循环来发挥疗效的,在对家兔TCD的改善上优于西比灵。 Objective : To explore the effect of ZhiXuan granule on transcranial Doppler (TCD) of rabbits model of vertebral artery of cervical spondylosis (CSA) and its effect mechanism. Methods: Made the model by injecting 9ml stagnated blood into splenius earvieis and splenius eapitis muscle, which could prevent Qi and Xue from moving and supporting into artefia vertebralis.Then given ZhiXuan granule and Sibeling (SBL) to modeled rabbits. Observed and compared the difference treatment results, Its of the two kinds of medicine for TCD. Results : Firstly, compared the rabbits CSA model lasting for 2 and 4 weeks, the PEAK at basilar artery ( BA) of rabbits poured with ZhiXuan granule and the SBL was faster, have an obvious difference. Secondly, the rabbits was given ZhiXuan granule, MEAN and DIAS at BA have an obvious difference compared with CSA model rabbits lasting for 4 weeks, PEAK and DISK and MEAN at LVA and RVA both was faster than rabbits CSA model lasting for 2 and 4 weeks, have an obvious difference. Thirdly, for the rabbits poured with SBL, the PEAK and DIAS at LVA was faster than model group lasting for 2 weeks, the result was the same that DIAS and MEAN at RVA compared with CSA model rabbits lasting for 2 and 4 weeks. Forthly, compared with rabbits given SBL, the MEAN at BA and PEAK at LVA of rabbits given ZhiXuan granule was faster, also have an obvious difference. Conclusions: ZhiXuan granule can obviously improve brain circulation and make blood moving faster by causing vasodilatio and eliminating vasomolar spasm. It is proved that the treatment effeetof ZhiXuan granule is better than effect of SBL on the TCD of CSA rabbits model.
机构地区 成都中医药大学
出处 《四川中医》 北大核心 2006年第3期30-32,共3页 Journal of Sichuan of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 四川省科技厅应用基础研究计划资助(编号:03JY029-043-1)
关键词 家兔 CAS动物模型 中药治疗 止眩颗粒 Rabbit Animal Mode with CSA Treatment with Traditional Herbal Medicine ZhiXuan Granule
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