目的:探讨精子冷冻保存剂(TEST-YOLK-Buffer,TYB)及快速冷冻法和液氮缓慢冷冻法两种不同的冷冻方法对人精子活力的影响。方法:健康男性的新鲜精液与TYB等比例混匀后,室温下分别放置5、15、30、60min,计数与TYB作用不同时间有活力的精子数;每个时间段的标本分别采用快速冷冻法和液氮缓慢冷冻法冷冻,冷冻保存时间大于24 h,解冻复温后计数精子活力指数与平均精子活力指数。结果:TYB作用5、15、306、0 min 4个时间段后平均精子活力指数均下降,与初始精液相比差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),其中15、60 min下降更明显(P<0.01);经过液氮缓慢冷冻的精子平均精子活力指数明显高于快速冷冻法(P<0.01)。结论:TYB对精子活力有影响,与TYB作用时间越长,精子活力下降越明显;液氮缓慢冷冻法优于快速冷冻法。
Objection: To study effect of the TEST-YOLK-Buffer(TYB)cryoprotectant and two freeze methods on motility of human sperm. Methods: After semen were exposed withTYB cryoprotectant medium at 5 cain, 15 min, 30 min and 60 min, the sperm motility was checked. Two methods were used to freeze the cryvials: immediate plunging into liquid nitrogen or 20 min of exposure to liquid nitrogen vapor followed with direct plunging. Results: After mixed up with TYB eryoprotectant, the average sperm mo tility index was lower in 4 time Stages (P 〈0. 05), meanwhile, the motility of sperca in 15 rain and 60 min was significantly decreased (P 〈0.01) ; There was a significant difference on freezing methods, the vapor first is better than directly plunge into liquid nitrogen (P 〈0.01). Conclusions: TYB eryoproteetant has significant effect on sperm motility, the longer time sperm motility. The method of 20 min of exposure to better than immediate plunging into liquid nitrogen . mixed with TYB cryoprotectant, the more effect on liquid nitrogen vapor followed with direct plunging is
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University