
超声输卵管盆腔显影术在输卵管性不孕诊断中的应用 被引量:1

Study on clinical application of salpingosonography on the diagnosis of sapingian infertility
摘要 目的:探讨超声盆腔输卵管显影术在输卵管性不孕诊断中的临床意义。方法:40例输卵管性不孕的患者采用超声输卵管盆腔显影术进行检查,经宫腔注水和腹腔灌注使腹盆腔积液后用阴道超声扫视盆腔,并与子宫输卵管碘油造影(HSG)结果相比较。结果:超声输卵管盆腔显影术检查40例中27条输卵管通畅,28条输卵管通而不畅,25条输卵管不通,54条输卵管伞端粘连;HSG检查28条输卵管通畅,33条输卵管通而不畅,19条输卵管不通,26条输卵管伞端粘连,超声输卵管盆腔显影术与HSG检查的总符合率为93.8%,检查通畅、梗阻、通而不畅、伞端粘连的符合率分别为96.4%、90.5%、84.8%、48.1%,2种方法的检出率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:超声输卵管盆腔显影可初步了解输卵管通畅性、形态及与周围组织有无粘连,有助于不孕症的诊断。 Objective: To development a method for the evaluation of tubal patency with trans vaginal ultrasonography (TVC). Methods: Scanning the pelvis with TVC, to compare with Hysterosalpingography (HSG) by two methods: intrauter hydrotubation and belly saline fill in. Results. With the method for the evaluation of tubal patency with TVC, 27 tubals were diagnosed as going-through fluently, 28 as goingthrough influently, 21 as obstruction, 54 fimbriae of oviduct were diagnosed as adhesion; With HSG, 28 tubals were diagnosed as going-through fluently, 33 as going-through influently, 19 as obstruction, 26 fimbriae of oviduct were diagnosed as adhesion. Its total correspondence rate was 93.8%. its correspondence rate 96.4% and 90.5% at the two aspects of diagnosing going-trough and obstruct. There was not difference between the evalauation of tubal patency at statistics (P〉0.05). Conclusions: Salpingosonography is a primary way and it is simple and easy to conduct in the diagnosis of infertility.
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2006年第2期117-119,共3页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
关键词 超声输卵管显影 腹腔灌注 不孕症 salpingosonography transvaginal ultrasonography intrauterne hydrotubation
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