
遗传算法中重要模式及其性质 被引量:4

The Important Schema and Its Properties in Genetic Algorithms
摘要 积木块假设是遗传算法的重要理论基础,尽管已经有大量的实践证据支持这一假设,但并没有得到证明.本文通过提出重要模式的概念,讨论它的性质,给出积木块假设的一个特例证明和最优值点唯一的条件,得到一些特殊函数类最优模式的特征. Building-Block Hypothesis is an important theoretical foundation of genettc algorithms . Although there are many practical evidences to support it, it has not been proven. This paper proposes the definition of important schema, discusses the properties of important schema, proves a special example of Building:Block Hypothesis, presents the condition of whether there is only one best solution and gets the characteristic of the best schemata of some special function species.
出处 《模式识别与人工智能》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期20-23,共4页 Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
基金 现代通信国家重点实验室基金(No.51436020203JB0602) 河南省教育厅基金
关键词 遗传算法 积木块假设 模式 重要模式 Genetic Algorithms, Building-Block Hypothesis, Schema, The Important Schema
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