The compositions of high molecular weight glutenin subunit of 108 wheat materials were studied with the method of SDS - PAGE. The results showed that the HMW - GS compositions of 108 wheat materials were extremely abundant. 15 subunit patterns and 26 subunit combinations were detected. At the Glu - A1 loci, frequency of subunit 1 was the highest (59.3%), at the Glu- B1 loci, frequency of subunit (7 + 8) was the highest (27.8%), at the Glu- D1 locl, frequency of subunit (2 + 12) was the highest (68.5%), frequency of subunit(5 + 10) was 17.6%. In analysis of wheat lines the special subunit(6^* + 8^*) was also observed.
Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology