设计了一种产品线体系结构描述语言VARIAB ILITY-ENAB LED A RCH ITECTURE D ESCRIPTIONLANGUAGE(VADL)。该语言采用变化组件和组件变化性接口,分别描述体系结构级和组件级变化性;支持组件层次组装,特别是提供变化点动态绑定、守护条件约束等组件变化性组装技术;具有基于扩展Π演算的行为语义模型,可描述行为语义变化性以及运行态变化性;通过体系结构实例,实现对产品线体系结构的定制和复用。
Existing architecture description languages for specifying product line architecture, such as Koala and xADL2.0, still suffer, in our opinion, from too much limitation. We now present vADL as a better description language to do away with much of the limitation. Koala and xADL2.0 can only model part of the variability of product line architecture, vADL can, in our opinion, model almost completely variability of product line architecture. Its capability to extend support for variability is shown in the following three respects: (1) vADL extends framework of traditional ADL for systematic and multi-level description of variability of product line architecture; the variable component is used to model variability on architecture level, and variability interface of component is used to model variability on component level; (2) vADL supports layered component composition in a way that is more efficient than the support afforded by Koala and xADL2.0; (3) vADL has a formal, well-founded semantics based on the extended π-calculus, so it can be used for specifying static and dynamic architecture.
Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University