正理庄油田沙二段具有高、低电阻率油层共存的特点,油水层识别极为困难。针对性地研究了正理庄油田高、低电阻率油层和水层的测井响应特征,根据油田的地质特征、物性特征、沉积环境及实验结果分析了低电阻率油层的形成机理,指出该区低电阻率油层类型为双孔隙系统结构的砂岩低电阻率油层。综合各种动态及静态资料,深入挖掘各项资料中的特殊信息,提出了一套综合识别低电阻率油层的方法,并以W axm an-Sm its模型和压汞资料建立的含油饱和度解释方程验证其正确性,在油水层复查工作中证明了该方法在实际应用中的有效性和实用性。
It is difficult in identifying the oil zones and water ones because the high and low resistivity pay zones coexist in E3S2 of Zhenglizhuang oilfield. Researched was the characteristics of log responses of the high and low resistivity pay zones and water zones. Analyzed was the mechanism of the low resistivity pay zones based on the geologic character, physical quality, depositional setting and the experimental results. Results indicate that the low resistivity pay zone is the sandstone low resistivity ones with the dual pore structures. Proposed was an integrated method to identify the low resistivity pay zones by analyzing the dynamic and static datum. This method is proved right by oil saturation formula based on the Waxman-Smits model and capillary pressure curves. Study about the oil and water zones rechecked shows the effectiveness and practicality of the method.
Well Logging Technology