
杭州地区尖音库蚊复合组的抗药性动态 被引量:1

Dynamic of insecticide resistance and genetic diversity of populations in Culex pipiens complex from Hangzhou area.
摘要 用生物测定和淀粉电泳技术对采自杭州市和上海市的尖音库蚊复合组(Culex pipienscomplex)蚊虫的抗性水平及与抗性有关的酯酶进行了研究。抗性水平的测定结果表明:与S-LAB敏感系相比,杭州市种群对DDVP、对硫磷、毒死蜱、邻仲丁基苯基甲基氨基甲酸酯和残杀威的抗性分别是S-LAB敏感品系的3.9,7.6,1.6,1.6,2.5倍。利用淀粉凝胶电泳技术分析了野生种群中抗性羧酸酯酶(EST)等位酶的基因表型及其频率。4个种群中都存在着世界范围内广泛分布的过量产生的非特异性酯酶Estβ1和Estα2/β2,上海种群主要以高活性的酯酶Estβ11为主(98.3%),除了这些基因以外,2004年杭州市下城区又出现了1种新的酯酶基因(50%)。 In order to investigate the insecticide resistant level and the distribution of organophosphate-resistant esterases, and to illustrate the outcome of the effects of gene flow, genetic drift and selection on the dynamic phenomena of insecticide resistance, four field populations of Culex pipiens complex collected from Hangzhou and labeled by HZXC03, HZXC04, HZFY and SH respectively, had been studied by bioassay and starch gel electrophoresis. The four populations were bioassayed at the fourth larval instar for tolerance to the insecticides DDVP, parathion, chlorpyrifos, BPMC, and propoxur. Results showed that the resistant rates of these populations were 3.9, 7.6, 1.6, 1.6, and 2.5 times, respectively, as high as that of the S-LAB susceptible strain. The analysis of esterase disclosed the highly-active Estα2-β2 and Estβ1, which distributed widely in the world. A new esterase phenotype was found in Hangzhou population.
出处 《昆虫知识》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期78-81,共4页 Entomological Knowledge
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(30470322) 中法先进计划项目资助。
关键词 尖音库蚊复合组 杀虫剂抗性 酯酶 淀粉电泳 抗性基因表型频率 Culex pipiens complex, insecticide resistance, esterase, starch gel electrophoresis, phenotype frequency of resistance genes
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