Objective To label rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells with feridex combined with poly-l-lysine ( PLL), and to determine the feasibility of detection of magnetically labeled stem cells with MR imaging. Methods Feridex were incubated with PLL for 1 hour to obtain a complex of feridex-PLL. Mesenchymal stem cells isolated from the bone marrows of Wistar rats were cultured and expanded. By the 42 passage, cells were co-incubated overnight with the feridex-PLL complex. Prussian blue staining for demonstrating intracytoplastic nanoparticles and trypan-blue exclusion test for cell viability were performed respectively at 24 h,1 w,2 w,3 w after labeling. MR imaging of cell suspensions was performed by using T1WI, T2WI and T2 * WI sequences at a clinical 1.5 T MR system. Results Numerous intracytoplastic iron particles were stained with Prussian blue. With division of stem cells, the stained particles were seen decreased gradually. Trypan blue exclusion test at 24 h, 1 w, 2 w and 3 w showed that the viability of the labeled cells was 91.00%, 93.00%, 91.75%, and 92. 50%, not significantly different with that of nonlabeled cells(P 〉 0.05). For 10^3, 10^4 and 10^5 cells, T2 signal intensity decreased by 63.75%, 82. 31% and 91.92% respectively, T2 * signal intensity decreased by 68. 24%, 83.01%, and 93.94% respectively. For l0s labeled cells, T2* signal intensity decreased by 93.75%, 75.92%, 41.75% and 8. 83% respectively at 24 h, 1 w, 2 w and 3 w after labeling. Conclusion Magnetic labeling of rat bone marrow stem cells with feridex-PLL complex is feasible, efficient and safe. T2 * WI is the most sensitive sequence to detect the labeled cells. The degree of T2 signal decreasing may be related to the cell count and division phase.
Chinese Journal of Radiology
Stem cells
Magnetic resonance imaging
Diagnostic imaging
Animals, laboratory