
判断发电商市场势力的指标分析 被引量:4

Analysis of Evaluating Generator's Market Power Index
摘要 以浙江省电力市场为例,分析判断发电商市场势力的三类度量指标,市场集中度指标、动态市场集中度指标、市场势力的直接度量指标(勒纳(Lerner)指数或PCM指数)。对市场的参与者在现货市场和合同市场中的市场份额及其竞价行为进行了分析,通过对市场集中度指标以及动态集中度指标的分析,得出浙江省电力市场的三个发电商拥有较高的潜在市场势力,具备了较强的通过各种手段控制市场成交价格的能力。为了促进电力市场的公平和有效竞争、减少发电商滥用市场势力所带来的负面影响,提出了加强输电网络的建设,合理配置电源分布,将目前还未参与发电市场的发电商引入发电市场竞争,签订长期合同和制定市场成交价格上限等一系列有针对性的平抑市场势力的措施。 This paper analyzes three kinds of indexes for evaluating generator's market power: HHI, DHHI, Lerner Index and PCM Index based on Zhejiang electric power market. This paper also analyzes the power suppliers" market shares and biddings in spot market and contract market. The results show that Zhejiang electric power market is dominated by three major suppliers according to HHI and DHHI , and they have great potential market power. In order to promote impartial and efficient competition and reduce the negative impact from abusing market power of generators, this paper also points out several methods of controlling generator's market power such as boosting transmission grid, planning power source correctly, introducing more generators to the power market competition, using long - term contract, and regulating the upper limit of the price.
出处 《现代电力》 2005年第4期86-89,共4页 Modern Electric Power
关键词 发电商 市场势力 度量指标 市场集中度 动态市场集中度 generator market power index market centralization dynamic market centralization
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