
应付效能量表的编制及初步分析 被引量:2

The Development and Preliminary Analysis of Coping with self-efficacy Scale
摘要 应付效能是近年来心理学领域提出的一个新概念,日益引起心理学界的重视。本研究从项目鉴别度、信度和效度三个角度出发,对自编的应付效能量表进行了详尽的分析,目的在于验证该量表的科学性,进一步促进应付效能的研究。 Coping with self- efficacy is a new concept in the field of psychology in recent years, which has been attached more importance to. This study analyzes the discrimination, reliability and validity of the Coping with self- efficacy Scale in detail. It is our intention to validate the feasibility of this scale and promote the more study of Coping with self- efficacy.
作者 王艳慧
出处 《连云港师范高等专科学校学报》 2005年第4期15-18,共4页 Journal of Lianyungang Normal College
关键词 应付效能 项目分析 效度 信度 self - efficacy discrimination reliability validity
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