选用杜长奉杂交断孔仔猪24头,分为3组,用 Ca:Zn 为60:1、330:1和516:1的三种日粮分别饲喂3组仔猪120d.对各组猪的临床表现、被毛锌含量和血清碱性磷酸酶活性进行了动态观察.试验结果,饲喂 Ca:Zn 为60:1日粮猪无异常表现,发育良好;用 Ca:Zn 为330:1和516:1的日粮能成功地复制猪缺锌症,临床特征主要表现为厌食、增重迟缓、被毛粗乱、脱毛、皮肤痂皮增生、皱裂,其被毛锌含量均校试验前和健康猪有显著或极显著降低(P<0.05或0.01),各次测定值间差异显著(P<0.05);三组猪血清碱性磷酸酶活性均发生下降,除日粮 Ca:Zn 为60:1组第0与30日测定值差弄不显著外(P>0.05),各蛆各次测定值间均差异显著(P<0.05),日粮 Ca:Zn 为516:1组除0日外,各次测定值板显著低于另两组(P<0.01).
24 weanling Crossbred piglets were randomly aloted to 3 groups,which were fed the rations in which the ratio of Ca to Zn was 60 to 1(Control gronp),330 to 1 and 516 to 1 (treated groups)respectiveiy.Theduration of the experiment was 120 days.The clinical symptoms wereobserved carefully and the dynamic changes of Zn in hair and AKP inSerum were determined.The results were as follows.The pigs in controlgronp grew well and the pigs in two treated grorps suffered from zincdeficiency.The disease was characterized by inappetence, growthretardation,alopecia and skin Crust and dehiscence.The contents of Znin hair of two treated groups were obviously lower than that of controlgroup(P<0.05 or 0.01),and the contents of AKP in serum of all 3 groupsclecreased.But the content of AKP in serum of the group fed the rationin which the ratio of Ca to Zn was 516 to 1 was significantly lowerthan that the other tao groups.The results showed that the zinedeficiency in pigs could be reproduced by feed the ration in which theratio of Ca to Zn was 330 to 1 or 516 to 1.
Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
Pig Zinc deficiency Experimental model