某些白酒品牌建设在推广上,似乎除了巨额广告投入,就再无高明之处,粗放的营销模式难免遭遇“无话可说”的尴尬。而今高端白酒品牌阵营中,冲杀出一支“舍得”新军, 感悟于智慧人生,“舍得”终于站出来“有话要说”。
Some brand names of spirits were simply established on the basis of publicity. We can not see any strong points in these spirits except the huge investment by the distillers in the advertisements. Such extensive management mode would unavoidably be reduced into an awkward position. But, today, a new brand name Shede comes into sight as a high-end product. Enlightened by the wisdom of people, Sbede eventually has its say.
Western China