喜结良缘,喜迎佳节,亲朋相聚,走亲访友, 喜贺寿诞,喜迁新居,喜庆丰收,喜悦之余, 幸福的感触最为重要。人们感触喜庆、享受幸福、分享成功,自然不可少了“天意喜”的幸福品味。
On the happy occasions such as a wedding ceremony, celebration of festival, reunion of a family, gathering friends, visiting relatives and friends, congratulation on one's birthday, moving to a new house, celebration of the bumper harvest, it is the most important for us to develop a happy feeling. When people are trying to acquire the sense of happy celebration and enjoy the happiness. It is natural for them to drink "Tianyixi" (Celestial Happiness) to sample the happy taste.
Western China