The study of anatomical structure of reproductive organ Of Tauscheria lasiocarpa was observed by means of paraffin section: The sepal and connective all have larger and large parenchyma cells. The Wall of anther is 4-layered. A single middle layer degenerates early, The glandular tapetum disappears tardily. The meiosis is not completely synchronous between the anthers of a flower, Arrangement of microspores is tetrahedral. The most of mature pollens are 3 celled with 2 meridional valleculas exine. There are 4 pollen sacs in a anther but only two of them are fully developed. The ovule is anatropous, bitegmic and tenuinucellar and it has apparent integument tapetum. The tetrades of macrospores are erectstyle. The antipodal cells degenerate before fertilization. The development of embryosac belongs to the Polygonum type. Embryogeny follows the Cruciferae type and endosperm the nuclear type. The nucleus of endosperm is amitosis and division is not synchronous.
short lived-plant
tauscheria lasiocarpa fisch, ex DC.
reproductive organ
anatomical structure