
TDZ和CPPU在虎杖组织培养中的应用 被引量:14

Application of TDZ and CPPU to Tissue Culture of Polygonum cuspidatum
摘要 将高活性细胞分裂素类物质TDZ和CPPU应用于虎杖的组织培养研究.经实验筛选发现,虎杖茎段比叶柄、叶片更容易诱导愈伤组织的形成,其诱导愈伤组织较适的培养基组成为MS+0.5mg/LCPPU+0.2mg/LNAA,适宜的愈伤组织增殖培养基为SH+0.05mg/LTDZ+1.0mg/LNAA;诱导芽分化的适宜培养基为MS+0.05mg/LTDZ+0.5mg/LNAA;促进幼苗生长的培养基为MS+0.1mg/LCPPU+1.0mg/LNAA+0.5%活性炭;快速生根及壮苗的培养基为1/2MS+1.0mg/LNAA+0.5%活性炭.TDZ和CPPU在愈伤组织的诱导、不定芽的分化及组培苗的生长等方面表现出不同的效果.以此方式进行虎杖人工快速繁殖,繁殖系数可达到5~7,繁殖时间缩短为2~3wk. This paper firstly reported the tissue culture of Polygonum cuspidatum in vitro with treatments of TDZ and CPPU, both of which are synthetic plant growth regulators with potent cytokinin. The screening tests showed that stem was a better explant for forming callus than petiole and leaf. MS medium added with CPPU 0.5 mg/L and NAA 0.2 mg/L was suitable for this culture. SH medium combined with TDZ 0.05 mg/L and NAA 1.0 mg/L as proliferation medium was good for callus. MS medium added with TDZ 0.05 mg/L and NAA 0.5mg/L was suitable for bud formation. After being treated with 0.1 mg/L CPPU, 1.0 mg/L NAA and 0.5% charcoal, the sterile seedlings grew quickly and propagated effectively. The 1/2 MS medium added with 1.0 mg/L NAA and 0.5% charcoal was successful for rapid rooting and strong seedlings. TDZ and CPPU had different effects on callus induction, adventitious bud propagation and seedlings growth. In this way to conduct rapid propagation of P. cuspidatum, the proliferation coefficient was up to 5 - 7 and reproduction period could be reduced to 2- 3 weeks. Fig 4, Tab 2, Ref 12
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期13-17,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(C2005000741)~~
关键词 虎杖 组织培养 TDZ CPPU Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. tissue culture TDZ CPPU
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