[ Objective] To assess the influence of the age of three strains of fruit fly on sevoflurance EDs0 and vitality. [Methods] According to the difference of age ranging from 1 to8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, 38, and 42 days in turn, determine a series of flies' sevofluance EDs0 in three groups divided into HYM3, F. PS1 and F. PR1. Every result was given at test with 7 - day - old fly' s sevafluance ED50 in each group. 200 male fruit flies from each group were fed with 5 test tubes, and test cubes were renewed every 3 days, counting the number of survival. The data about vitality per group were computed by life table. The significance among these 3 groups was processed by ANOVA. [Results] Compared with the sevoflurance ED50 of 7 - day - old flies by test, the data showed significant difference after 26 days old in HYM3 group, 15 days old in F. PS1 group, and 22 days old in F. PR1 group. The sevoflurance ED50 decreased gradually as the age of flies increased. The ratios between the minimum ED50 and the 7 - day- old ED50 in HYM3, F. PS1 and F. PR1 groups were 0.70, 0.67, and 0.70. There was no significant difference in the vitality data of the three groups by life table. [ Conclusion] The results suggested that the vitality data had no significant difference in the three groups.
Journal of Dalian Medical University
drosophila melanogaster