
三维适形放射治疗肺癌脑转移疗效分析 被引量:1

Analysis of therapy effiency affecting 3-Dimentional Conformal radiotherapy after brain metastases from lung cancer
摘要 [目的]探讨三维适形对肺癌脑转移的有效治疗方法。[方法]将病理诊断明确的肺癌脑转移患者39例分成2组,三维适形放射治疗3D-(CRT)19例,三维适形放射治疗前加全脑放疗(WBRT4-3D-CRT)20例,3D-CRT治疗单次靶区平均周边剂量3~8Gv,总剂量40~60Gy;WBRT4-3D-CRT组:3D-CRT治疗单次靶区平均周边剂量同前,但总剂量为16~32Gy,在3D-CRT之前WBRT2~3Gv/次,总剂量30~40Gv/3~4w。[结果]3D-CRT和WBRT4-3D-CRT肿瘤局部控制率分别为84.3%和85%(P〉0.05),中位生存期分别为11和12.5个月(P〉0.05)。[结论]全脑放疗加三维适形放射治疗(WBRT4-3D-CRT)和三维适形放射治疗(3D-CRT)在肿瘤局部控制率和生存期上无明显差别。 [ Objective] To explore the effiencent methods after treatment of brain metastases from lung cancer, with three dimentional radiotherapy. [ Methods] Thirty - nine patients with brain metastes from lung cancer affirmed by pathology were divided into two groups: 19 patients were received 3D- CRT and 20 patients were received 3D- CRT + WBRT, the patients of 3D- CRT groups received single target dose ranging from 3 - 8 Gy, with a total dose of 40 - 60 Gy ; WBRT + 3D - CRT : the total dose of whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT)was 30 - 40 Gy with 2 - 3 Gy per fraction,after that single target dose ranging from 3 - 8 Gy,with a total dose of 16 - 32 Gy. [ Results] the local tumor control rates of 3D - CRT and WBRT + 3D - CRT was84.3 % and 85 % ( P 〉 0.05), the median suvival time was 11 and 12.5months( P 〉 0.05), [ Conclusion]3D - CRT and WBRT + 3D - CRT are the same in improving the local control rates and survival time.
出处 《大连医科大学学报》 CAS 2006年第1期27-28,共2页 Journal of Dalian Medical University
关键词 三维适形立体定向放射治疗 脑转移 疗效 3 - Dimentional Conformal radiotherapy brain metastes effiency
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